There are only a handful of whole organizations devoted to the study of law and religion in the US and the UK. Once such is the Law and Religion Scholars Network is hosted by the Centre for Law and Religion at Cardiff University. The Centre was the first such organisation in the UK when it was founded in 1998. It “exists to promote research and its dissemination in the field of law and religion.” The University also offers an LLM in Canon law, the first degree of its type in Britain since the reformation.
The Law and Religion Scholars Network seeks to give academics and practitioners a way to discuss and disseminate information about the interaction between law and religion. In addition to the membership, there are conferences, a case database of UK courts, ECJ, ECtHr, a discussion list, and a list of weblinks.
Other links:
- Research Homepage
- Networks Homepage (connects the Colloquium of Anglican and Roman Catholic Canon Lawyers, the Interfaith Legal Advisers Network, and the Law and Religion Scholars Network.)
- Canon Law homepage