June 16, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott yesterday signed into law a bill that protects Christian adoption agencies from being forced to place children in homosexual-led households that intentionally deny the child a mother or a father.

HB 3859, the Freedom to Serve Children Act, allows faith-based adoption and foster care organizations to receive state funding without fear of legal retribution for declining to place children in homosexual-led households. Other conscience objections such as placing children with single or divorced adults are also covered.

The Supreme Court’s imposed legalization of national homosexual “marriage” in the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, combined with spreading “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” nondiscrimination laws, has threatened the freedom of Catholic and religious adoption agencies to operate according to their own teachings.

In Boston, Illinois, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco, Catholic adoption agencies closed themselves down rather than be forced by the state to put children in homosexual-led households.
