From SSRN: Josef Hien & Christian Joerges, Dead Man Walking: Current European Interest in the Ordoliberal Tradition , (EUI Department of Law Research Paper No. 2018/03 (2018)).

Robert T. Miller, What is a Compelling Governmental Interest?, (Journal of Morality and Markets, (Forthcoming)).

Ira C. Lupu & Robert W. Tuttle, #Metoo Meets the Ministerial Exception: Sexual Harassment Claims by Clergy and the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses , (William & Mary Journal of Race, Gender, and Social Justice (2019 Forthcoming)).

Melissa Crouch, Constitutionalism, Religion and Inequality: Perspectives from Asia , (Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Forthcoming).

Susanna Mancini & Kristina Stoeckl, Transatlantic Conversations The Emergence of Society-Protective Antiabortion Arguments in the United States, Europe, and Russia , (S. Mancini, M. Rosenfeld, The Conscience Wars. Rethinking the Balance between Religion, Identity, and Equality, Cambridge University Press, 2018).

Earl M. Maltz, The Constitution and the Trump Travel Ban , (Lewis & Clark Law Review, Forthcoming).

Grant Christensen, A View from American Courts: The Year in Indian Law 2017 , (Seattle University Law Review, Vol. 41, 2018).

Sharon Cruz, The Search for Third Options in a Two-Bathroom Society , (1 International Comparative, Policy & Ethics Law Review 77 (2018)).

Mohamed A. Arafa, Islam and Elder Care in Egypt after the Arab Spring Uprisings: Between Divine Law and Secular Law: Quo Vadis? , (CALUMET: Intercultural L. & Humanities Rev. [Law & Religion] (Online Fall 2017)).
