Fairfax Media’s exclusive report on Wednesday detailing sections of the religious freedom review commissioned by the Coalition government has triggered a political furore. The report by former attorney-general Philip Ruddock, which was ordered by Malcolm Turnbull in the wake of last year’s same-sex marriage victory, was delivered to the government in May but has been kept under wraps ever since. The front cover of the religious freedom review. Credit: Prime Minister Scott Morrison has vowed to make the report public towards the end of the year, when he also plans to release the government’s response. The review’s recommendations include amendments to federal laws permitting discrimination against gay students and teachers, and a new Religious Discrimination Act. Fairfax Media can now publish the full 20 recommendations from the review for subscribers: Recommendation 1 Those jurisdictions that retain exceptions or exemptions in their anti-discrimination laws for religious bodies with respect to race, disability, pregnancy or intersex status should review them, having regard to community expectations. Recommendation 2 Commonwealth, state and territory governments should have regard to the Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights when drafting laws that would limit the […]