Are you sick of the constant political campaign commercials? Sick of hearing the names of the candidates? Sick of hearing how Candidate X is the best thing since sliced bread or the worst, depending on which political party or political action committee paid for the advertisement? Me, too. (Maybe we should start another “Me too” movement? Rather than targeting sexually aggressive men, we could protest the political system that harasses the populace every fall with incessant TV and radio advertising and roadside signs.) So, I’m going to focus on what binds us together. As we all know, there are certain elements of human nature that are universal. As much as postmodernists tried to convince us that each nation’s culture is unique and that morality is situational and relative, we all know this is hogwash. Just as sexual or physical abuse is always wrong no matter where it’s perpetrated, all people throughout history are similar in many regards. From Aboriginal Australians to the nomadic Arab Bedouin to suit-wearing American titans of industry, we all think alike when it comes to core human issues. I saw a great example of this universality on a visit this summer to the Pennsylvania State […]