Fox News Flash top headlines for June 18 On Monday, the Supreme Court of the United States threw out a lower court ruling and $135,000 penalty against bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein, for following their religious convictions . The Court’s decision is a victory not only for Aaron and Melissa Klein, but for religious liberty in general. Now the State of Oregon will be subjected to the Masterpiece test. The technical term of the court’s action Monday, “GVR,” stands for “grant, vacate, remand” and it requires that a majority of the Justices – at least five – vote in favor of such a remedy. By “grant,” the court means it granted Aaron and Melissa’s appeal, filed on their behalf by First Liberty Institute and attorneys with Boyden Gray & Associates. That indicates a majority of the Justices agree that something happened to validate the appeal. In “vacating” the decision below, the Justices agreed that the Oregon Court of Appeals did not consider or got something wrong in their decision. That’s significant, but made more significant by the “remand.” KELLY SHACKELFORD: SUPREME COURT MUST CLARIFY ‘MASTERPIECE’ AND HELP RELIGIOUS AMERICANS PRACTICE THEIR FAITH The Supreme Court sent the case back […]
