Are you for Israel Folau or against? What a pity that Folau’s dismissal by Rugby Australia should be reduced to an ideological and binary debate. Of course, we love a simple answer. Twitter views are various: the Folau case is exclusively a matter of contract law; Folau has the rights to freedom of speech and religious expression; the law should protect against harmful homophobic abuse. I suggest the Folau case is about all of these ideas. It is ironic the Folau case has exposed the gaps in Australia’s protections for fundamental freedoms just as the government is about to introduce a new bill to increase protections for religious freedoms. When considering the need for additional religious protections, it might help if we review the existing legal principles that underpin our freedoms to inform an increasingly complex and divisive national discussion. Let us begin with Australia’s international legal obligations. Israel Folau and Rugby Australia headed for court after failing to resolve dispute Read more Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1975 guarantees the freedom to manifest religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching. The freedom to manifest one’s religion or belief may be […]