The United States Constitution rolled up on an American flag with a gavel in the foreground. Room for copy along the top half of the image. ach day, millions of families from diverse religious backgrounds entrust the education of their children to our nation’s public schools. Employees within our public schools need to be fully informed about the Constitutional and educational principles for understanding the role of religion in public (government-funded) education . According to religious scholars, the phrase “separation of church and state” was initially coined by Baptists striving for religious toleration in Virginia, whose official state religion was then Anglican (Episcopalian). Baptists thought government limitations against religion were illegitimate. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson were reported to have championed their cause. During the American holiday season, tax-payer funded schools often face the “December Dilemma” or end up between “a rock and a hard place.” Confusion occurs during the holiday season because the issue of religious expression in public schools can become more visible in some situations. Questions about the use of religious icons, sacred music, and certain decorations in the classroom place the matter of “separation of church and state” before students, parents, faculty, staff, administration, and […]