Source: MGN Kentucky churches will be allowed to hold services starting May 10 after rulings in two separate cases. A lawsuit by Maryville Baptist Church and its pastor arguing that Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s administration infringed on the congregation’s constitutional rights by restricting faith-based gatherings due to the coronavirus pandemic had previously been rejected. United States District Court David J. Hale said in Friday’s ruling that "the Court finds that Plaintiffs would likely succeed on the merits of their claim under the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act (KRFRA). In the alternative, the Court finds that Plaintiffs have a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of their constitutional claims. The Court will therefore grant the remainder of Plaintiffs’ motion for injunction pending appeal." In a separate case involving Tabernacle Baptist Church in Nicholasville, United State District Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove wrote: "We are a relatively young nation. But our Constitution is the oldest in the world. We describe it as enduring— a value that must be protected not only when it is easy but when it is hard. "And this is a hard and difficult time. A new virus sweeps the world, ravages our economy and threatens our […]
