Current AMAA cemetery on Brooke Road The Justice Department has filed a lawsuit alleging that Stafford County violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act by enacting overly restrictive zoning regulations prohibiting an Islamic organization from developing a religious cemetery on land it had purchased for that purpose. “Honoring and burying the dead is a sacred religious act for many faith traditions,” said G. Zachary Terwilliger, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. “The complaint that was filed in this case demonstrates this office’s commitment to ensuring that those of all faiths are not substantially burdened by improper local government actions in practicing their religious rituals.” The complaint, filed in the Eastern District of Virginia, alleges that the county passed an ordinance in 2016 that blocked the All Muslim Association of America from developing an Islamic cemetery on a 29-acre parcel of land that it owns. When the association bought the property, it complied with all of the state and local requirements for use as a cemetery. But after learning of the association’s plans, the county amended its ordinance to require that cemeteries be no closer than 900 feet from private wells and certain types of streams, […]
