RIVERSIDE COUNTY, Calif., July 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) has teamed up with Tyler & Bursch, The National Center for Law and Policy (NCLP) and Advocates for Faith & Freedom to file a lawsuit challenging the state of California’s ban on singing and chanting activities in places of worship on behalf of Calvary Chapel of Ukiah, Calvary Chapel Fort Bragg and River of Life Church, in Oroville, California. Options Trade Ideas from Benzinga In this market, there’s never been a better time to profit with options. Get Benzinga Options: Starter Edition to follow Nic Chahine’s high-conviction options trades. Click here to subscribe. On July 1, 2020, California updated the health order to include a Worship Guidance that now states, "Places of worship must therefore discontinue singing and chanting activities." On or about July 11, 2020, a spokeswoman for California’s Office of Emergency Services confirmed that the worship ban "must be followed." This ban violates our plaintiff’s constitutional rights under the First Amendment and Equal Protection clauses of the U. S. Constitution. (Click HERE to read full complaint.) Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of ACLJ, immediately condemned the California governor’s July 1 ban on […]