Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, 140 S. Ct. 2049 (2020) Summary: The ministerial exception, grounded in First Amendment’s religion clauses, barred teachers’ employment discrimination claims where teachers educated their students in the Catholic faith and guided their students to live their lives in accordance with that faith. Read our in-depth analysis HERE . Aixtron, Inc. v. Veeco Instruments Inc ., Nos. H045126, H045464, 2020 WL 4013981 (Cal. Ct. App. July 16, 2020) Summary : Neither the Federal Arbitration Act nor the California Arbitration Act grant an arbitrator subpoena power to order prehearing discovery from third parties if the parties to the arbitration did not provide for such discovery rights in their arbitration agreement . Facts : A worker resigned from his position with Veeco Instruments, Inc. (“Veeco”) and went to work for Aixtron, Inc. (“Aixtron”), a competitor. Veeco then initiated an arbitration proceeding against the worker alleging breach of contract, breach of the duty of loyalty, and conversion, including alleged data theft. During the discovery phase of the action, the arbitrator granted Veeco’s application for a pre-hearing discovery subpoena for Aixtron’s business records, including a demand that any computers the worker had used be submitted for forensic […]
