PART 1 Who threatens the power structure so much and wields a strength so enormous that the enslavers who would enslave are willing to give up their most valuable asset just to shut them up? Read on. Throughout the ages, churches have been the pillars of community, places to go for succor, for prayer, for a sense of belonging, of advice – not only of a spiritual nature, but also of a political nature. Did you know that churches are not required to report to any governmental agency unless they do one thing? The constitution of the United States of America says this in the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.” Let’s break this down: ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion’. Does it mean that Congress shall make no laws with regard to starting a religion? Or does it mean that Congress shall make no laws with regard to the established practices of a religion? Or does it mean that the government can not itself start a religion? Either way you look at it: CONGRESS SHALL MAKE […]