Bill Chizek/iStock/Getty Images Plus The Supreme Court heard opening arguments in an important religious discrimination case on Wednesday that has been festering since 2018: Sharonell Fulton et. al. v. City of Philadelphia . Back in 2018, the liberal Philadelphia Inquirer discovered that two religiously based foster-care agencies — Bethany Christian Services and Catholic Social Services (CSS) — wouldn’t place foster children in LGBT homes. Initially, Bethany said, “This has been our practice throughout our nearly 75 years of operation and is based on our adherence to what we believe to be foundational Biblical principles.” That was in March, 2018. In June, after the city shut down all referrals to Bethany because of its stance, Bethany recanted its “adherence” to those “foundational Bible principles” issuing a remarkable waffle: “While we remain compliant with the law, we also remain committed to our Christian beliefs and core values.” To its credit, Catholic Social Services, which also had its flow of referrals from Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services cut off, stayed true to its beliefs, issuing this statement through Ken Gavin, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia: Catholic Social Services is, at its core, an institution founded on faith-based principles. The Catholic […]
