Are Christmas Carols, Cards, and Greetings at School Constitutional? – By Harold Pease Ph.D. – In the present year of COVID-19 tyrannical governors shut down religious services, a 1st Amendment right, as fast as they could. During the summer months Antifa defaced and with ropes tore down statues of our past national heroes included those who made America free, as for example, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and they even threatened to destroy statues of Christ. They also set afire churches, one St John’s Episcopal, located near the White House. In these states, there is definitely developing hostility against the Constitution and liberty. Sadly we also sense a growing movement within our midst against Christianity. In this midst, we are sometimes made to feel that symbols of Christianity should be mostly hidden. So what are my constitutional rights in school with respect to Christmas? It might surprise some to learn that the Constitution does not allow the government to prevent you from doing most things that you do at home also in public—even at school. The constitutionally ill-informed like to refer to the “separation of church and state” as the rationale for a prohibition of religious or seasonal expression […]
