WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Thousands from around the world will convene in an online rally organized by Right To Believe to call out gross judicial overreach by the DC Courts and denounce the way the DC Court has handled Case 2011 CA 003721 B. Thousands from around the world convened in an Online Rally to Protect The Right To Believe, denouncing the recent rulings issued by Judge Laura Cordero and Judge Jennifer Anderson of the Washington D.C. Superior Court in the case filed by Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. The faulty decision presents an alarming legal precedent that would be a threat to all religious and nonprofit organizations. "We are rallying today because we are outraged by a recent decision in the Washington, DC Superior Court," said Howard Self, President of Right To Believe. "In this now 9 plus years old case, Judge Jennifer Anderson ignored all religious freedom rights of the defendants, going against both the First Amendment and the DC written law by stepping in to alter the very structure of a religious non-profit’s board of directors. This faulty decision, if allowed to stand, would present an alarming legal precedent that would be […]
