Justice Madan B Lokur | HT Photo Former Supreme Court Justice Madan Lokur on Tuesday criticised Uttar Pradesh’s new anti-conversion law, suggesting that it has many defects, PTI reported. Lokur said that a judge does not need to get into politics, but has to check the constitutional validity of a law. The law, which was passed in November by the Adityanath-led state government, is aimed at tackling “love jihad” – a conspiracy theory espoused by right-wing Hindutva activists, alleging that Hindu women are forcibly converted by Muslims through marriage. “Constitution requires an ordinance to be passed if there is immediate action required,” he said. “What is the need of passing this ordinance when the Vidhan Sabha is not in session? Absolutely nothing. There is no way that this ordinance can be sustained.” Lokur was speaking at a panel discussion on the topic “Personal Freedom and Judiciary” during a book launch. Congress leader Kapil Sibal, former Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi and social activist Medha Patkar also attended the event, reported Live Law . During the discussion, Lokur also asserted that the idea of social justice has been undermined in the judiciary in the past couple of years. The former judge […]
