COMMENTARY: The court’s 8-1 decision in Chike Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski is a victory for religious freedom. United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. (photo: Brandon Bordages / Shutterstock) The Supreme Court on Monday decided Chike Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski . It’s a huge victory for religious freedom and strikes a blow against the tyranny of campus speech codes. In 2016, Chike Uzuegbunam was enrolled at Georgia Gwinnett College, a public college 30 miles outside Atlanta. He wanted to talk about his Christian faith with other students and hand out religious literature in one of the college’s outdoor plazas but was told by campus police that doing so was against college policy. Uzuegbunam went to the person directly responsible for the school’s policy, Gwinnett’s “Director of the Office of Student Integrity.” The school official told him that he could only speak about his religion in two designated “free speech expression areas” on campus — and only with a permit to do so. Undeterred, Uzuegbunam applied for and was given a permit to use the school’s free speech zone. Shortly after he began speaking on the day allowed by the permit, a campus police officer told him to stop. Someone had […]
