Employers in Clark County and around the state have recently announced vaccination requirements as a condition of employment As more and more employers in Washington state, including PeaceHealth and the Vancouver Clinic here in Clark County, announced they will soon require employees to get the COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment, Vancouver attorney Angus Lee issued a statement Friday reminding area residents that both state and federal law supports religious exemptions for religious objections. File photo The Angus Lee Law Firm is based in Vancouver, with an office located at 9105A NE Highway 99, Suite 200. In his statement, Lee cited both state and federal cases in which the exemption was upheld by courts. Here is the text of Lee’s statement on vaccination mandates by employers: “ Employers in Washington risk violating state and federal anti-discrimination law where they choose to require that employees inject non-FDA approved, experimental Covid treatments into their bodies as a condition of employment, while also failing to make accommodations and exceptions for employees who oppose those treatments based upon bona fide religious objections. “In Kumar v. Gate Gourmet, Inc., the Washington State Supreme Court held that the Washington Law Against Discrimination, Wash. Rev. […]
