Earlier this year I wrote an article arguing that the local church is essential. No matter what the government says, God’s word makes it clear that believers are called to continue gathering together for fellowship (Hebrews 10:24-25). The government can tell Christians to stop stepping over the entrance of the church, but if the government decides to draw that line in the sand then they are the ones who have over-stepped their God-given jurisdiction. Romans 13 makes it clear that God ordains governments to reward good behavior and to punish bad behavior. But we must not forget that God is the one who ultimately defines what is right or wrong, not the government. As Christians, we must never forget that gathering together to worship God is always good. The County of Los Angeles did not agree with that last statement and so in August of last year they sued Grace Community Church for refusing to enforce COVID-19 guidelines such as in-person meetings, wearing face coverings and physical-distancing requirements. The church immediately sued the state and county for restricting their constitutional rights for religious freedom. Many Christians were confused about who was in the right, the state or the local […]