Emilee Carpenter, 27, a wedding photographer in Elmira, New York, will appeal a ruling she said unfairly compels her to violate her religious convictions or lose her business. (Photo courtesy Alliance Defending Freedom) Wedding photographer Emilee Carpenter is appealing a New York federal judge’s ruling that her attorneys say compels the evangelical Christian to create photo displays for same-sex weddings. “This is a free speech issue. And I believe that all artists should be free to choose the messages they promote,” Ms. Carpenter, 27, told The Washington Times. Attorneys for the public interest law firm Alliance Defending Freedom told the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York on Wednesday that they will appeal a December ruling issued by Judge Frank P. Geraci Jr., an Obama appointee. Ms. Carpenter had filed a preemptive challenge of the state’s public accommodation law, which requires business owners to not discriminate in providing services under penalty of a year in jail, a $100,000 and revocation of business licenses. Judge Geraci ruled that, under the state laws, Ms. Carpenter must create photographs and blogs for same-sex couples if she also does wedding photography for heterosexual couples. He said her “unique artistic style […]
