Four anti-abortion bills have been introduced into the state legislature including a Texas copycat bill (HR2001, HR2483, SB1044, SB1164). The issue is not whether a state has the constitutional authority to protect “unborn life” but whether women, who have been born, have a constitutional right to make decisions about their own health and life or whether unknown and unrelated people who have no interest in her life will make that decision for her. Dianne Post (Photo by Martha Lochert) These bills violate the Establishment and Free Exercises Clause of the Constitution because they try to put into statute a belief that only one religion has and that is completely contrary to the beliefs of many other religions and even the bible. In twelve places (Genesis-3, Job-3, Ezekial-2, Isaiah-2, Psalms, John), the bible says that man becomes a living person when he has the breath of life, when the person can breathe on their own. It is clear from the bible that abortion was not prohibited as described in Exodus 221:22-24 where a harm occurs only if the pregnant woman herself is injured not if she loses the pregnancy, and in Numbers 5:11-31 where a priest can cause an abortion […]