(WASHINGTON) — The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a new clash involving religion and the rights of LGBTQ people in the case of a Colorado web designer who says her religious beliefs prevent her from offering wedding website designs to gay couples. The high court said Tuesday it would hear the case of Lorie Smith. The Denver-area designer offers graphic and website design services and wants to expand to wedding website services, but she says her Christian beliefs would lead her to decline any request from a same-sex couple to design a wedding website. She also wants to post a statement on her website about her beliefs. Doing those things, however, would run afoul of a Colorado anti-discrimination law. av-override 00:00 / ‒‒:‒‒ Replay Russian Troops Shell Europe’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant During Advance in Ukraine Posted 1 Day Ago Smith has argued the law violates her free speech and religious rights. Read more: 9 Landmark Supreme Court Cases That Shaped LGBTQ Rights in America Paid Partner Content Hide and ski By China Daily The Supreme Court said in taking the case that it would look only at the free speech issue. It said it would decide whether […]