The school says that officially recognizing the club goes against its religious beliefs and violates its First Amendment rights. WASHINGTON (CN) — An Orthodox Jewish university asked the Supreme Court on Monday to block a ruling that would force it to officially recognize an LGBTQ club on campus. Yeshiva University — which has added secular degrees over time but was founded to prepare students for the Hebrew Orthodox ministry — claims recognizing a club known as the YU Pride Alliance goes against its religious beliefs. “Yeshiva has determined, based on consultation with its Roshei Yeshiva — who opine on Jewish law for Jews all over the world — that an official Pride Alliance club, as described by Plaintiffs and as understood by the culture at large, would be inconsistent with Yeshiva’s religious environment and Torah values,” Eric Baxter, an attorney at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, wrote in the school’s application before the court. The emergency filing — which was submitted to Justice Sonia Sotomayor — asks the court to halt a ruling from a trial court in New York before the state appeals court has weighed the merits of the case. Baxter said the court could also […]