The First Amendment to the Constitution provides “that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.: What does this mean. It means that the government must not impose a state religion on the public. The separation of church and state means that the government cannot tell religious organizations how to act, but it also means that religious organizations can’t tell the government what to do. It concerns me that political candidates who espouse to being Christians believe that they had the right to impose their religious beliefs in the government decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade and deny women their right to exercise control over their own bodies. What kind of government would threaten criminal action against or the incarceration of a woman who decides to terminate her pregnancy for personal reasons or medical reasons that threaten her life or the life of a fetus? What woman or child who is the victim of incest or rape should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term. What kind of government would threaten criminal action against or incarceration of a doctor or a pharmacist who chooses to provide care to these women? In addition, […]
