An Ohio school district shouldn’t hold its upcoming graduation ceremony inside a church, insists the Freedom From Religion Foundation . A concerned Groveport Madison Schools alumnus and community member has informed the state/church watchdog that in keeping with a tradition since 2020, this year’s high school graduation ceremony will be held on Friday, May 26, at World Harvest Church. Students have reportedly protested against having their graduation ceremony in a church, with LGBTQ-plus students and students of various non-Christian faiths particularly vocal. However, the school district has ignored the concerns of these students in favor of continuing to host its official graduation ceremonies at World Harvest Church in the same room where worship services are held. Public school students have the First Amendment right to be free from religious indoctrination in their public schools, including when participating in school-sponsored events, FFRF emphasizes. “It is unconstitutional for a public high school to compel or coerce its graduating students, their parents, teachers and other members of their families or friends, to enter a house of worship in order to participate in or attend a graduation ceremony,” FFRF Anne Nicol Gaylor Legal Fellow Samantha Lawrence writes to Groveport Madison Schools Superintendent Jamie […]
