Even as a youngster, I could see the difference, and it went beyond the white shirt, blue slacks and plaid tie that was my uniform. From the morning prayers to religious instruction to the nuns who taught me, it was an education steeped in Catholicism — subsidized by the tuition my parents were willing to pay. Fast forward to today. Politically conservative parents in Virginia and elsewhere are vocal in their unhappiness with their public schools. You don’t have to drive far in these parts to spot a Tea Party license plate — presumably an anti-tax statement. Some of these same folks complain about elected officials ignoring the Constitution. Michael Paul Williams Which makes what’s happening in Oklahoma so confusing. The Oklahoma school board that oversees all online charter schools voted in June to approve what would be the nation’s first taxpayer-supported religious school, St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School . The school would serve K-12 students throughout the state, free of charge. It’s slated to open in 2024, though lawsuits challenging it may have something to say about that. But this 3-2 vote tracks in a nation whose political right is promoting white Christian nationalism in an […]
