This in response to the letter Nov. 15 from Mr. Welborn. First, he insinuated that, should Trump be elected in 2024, “the wall between church and state would crumble” because the Constitution would be superseded by the Christian Bible. No one person or group can amend the Constitution, so that is only one false item in the letter. There is no of separation of church and state in America except as shown in part of one sentence in Amendment One to the Constitution which says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” In other words, government is to keep its nose out of the free practice of religion by the people. Much of our religious freedom has been taken away, unconstitutionally, by the government. The letter also states that the goal of “the White Christian nationalist movement” is “to replace American values with its own religious values.” America was founded as a Christian nation, so American values are already religious values. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution make that very clear. The first textbook in the new schools in our country was the Bible. Religious textbooks were still […]
