This past week the Louisiana Legislature passed into law a bill that requires the displaying of the 10 Commandments in every public- school classroom in the state. Our young people are trying to survive the cultural cesspool that modern American society has become and being reminded of the eternal principles of morality and faith, and encouraging respect for parents, can only benefit them. Naturally, the atheist and “civil liberties” groups like the ACLU (which hasn’t found a conservative civil liberty to champion in decades) immediately vowed to sue arguing the display constitutes an “establishment” of religion, notwithstanding the fact that the 10 Commandments also provide the general foundation for American civil and criminal law. These groups quote Thomas Jefferson, that there should remain “a separation between church and state.” Well, all that our Framers intended by the Establishment Clause was that there be no official state religion of the kind the Pilgrims fled when they settled in America. That is all. The Framers never intended for there to exist this outright hostility to all notions of religion and faith in public life. However, that’s what we have. Jefferson absolutely favored free exercise of religion and cited as one of […]
