Joe Kennedy, former assistant coach, during football practice at Bremerton High School. Kennedy returned to his job after a Supreme Court ruling said he was allowed to pray at games — but he called it quits after just one game. A new law in Louisiana requires every public school classroom to display the Ten Commandments. Similar laws are under consideration in Texas and Utah, as well as Oklahoma, where the state superintendent of education has ordered that the Bible be taught in all classes from fifth grade to 12th grade. In Ohio, kids are being bused from their public elementary schools to religious classes, then back to school, all during the school day. Wait, you say. Don’t these initiatives violate the establishment clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution — the bit that’s supposed to keep church and state separate? They may have, once. But that’s less clear following the conservative constitutional revolution at the Supreme Court — the one that has, in the last three years, overturned decades of precedent on abortion, guns and affirmative action. The reason we’re seeing this raft of religious legislation now is a 2022 case called Kennedy v. Bremerton. In it, […]
