(The Center Square) – (The Center Square) — Connecticut’s highest court has rejected another legal challenge to the state’s pandemic-era law repealing religious exemptions for school vaccine requirements. Connecticut’s Supreme Court ruling rejected several claims by the plaintiffs in the case, who argued that the state’s 2021 move to eliminate religious exemptions violated the state and U.S. constitutions. However, justices agreed to sustain claims that the law violates Connecticut’s Religious Freedom and Restoration Act, sending the issue back to a lower court to decide. Plaintiffs in the case, Keira Spillane and Anna Kehle are parents of young children who objected to the state’s vaccination requirements, arguing that it violates their religious beliefs and includes vaccines made from cell lines derived from aborted fetal tissue. “Our case has always centered around Connecticut’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act and our firm belief that the removal of the religious exemption is in clear violation thereof," Lindy Urso, the attorney representing the plaintiffs in the case, said in a statement. "But make no mistake, this decision is a victory for our plaintiffs and a victory for religious freedom in Connecticut and we look forward to pressing ahead with our injunction motion so that we […]
