Here is a short article by Bryan Garner as posted on the ABA Journal website. While the article is aimed at practicing attorneys, it is also helpful for law students who are researching and writing the law.

  1. Be sure you understand the client’s problem.
  2. Don’t rely exclusively on computer research.
  3. Never turn in a preliminary version of a work in progress.
  4. Summarize your conclusions up front.
  5. Make your summary understandable to outsiders.
  6. Don’t be too tentative in your conclusions, but don’t be too cocksure, either.
  7. Strike the right professional tone: natural but not chatty.
  8. Master the approved citation form.
  9. Cut every unnecessary sentence; then go back through and cut every unnecessary
  10. 10) Proofread one more time than you think necessary.

Read the full post here.