Judge David Stras, a Trump appointee, wrote for the 2-1 majority opinion, where he noted that Minnesota can’t force “free and independent individuals to endorse ideas they find objectionable.” Alliance Defending Freedom Carl and Angel Larsen are a St. Cloud, Minnesota couple who run a media business called Telescope Media Group. They are devout Christians, and they’ve already made films and promotional videos with an overtly Christian bent . Several years ago, they hoped to enter the wedding-video business. But Minnesota law that bars discrimination—the Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA)—is being interpreted by current Democratic state officials, as a state website declares, to “not exempt individuals, businesses, nonprofits, or the secular business activities of religious entities from non-discrimination laws based on religious beliefs regarding same-sex marriage.” In other words, any person engaged in a business that serves weddings can be forced to participate in a same-sex wedding. And Minnesota law threatens up to 90 days in jail for violating these guidelines. Minnesotans’ tax dollars have even employed “ testers ” to target “noncompliant” businesses, and Minnesota has already pursued action against a wedding vendor who refused to rent the venue for a same-sex wedding. The case The Larsens sued […]
