Maryland high schooler Caleigh Wood’s case made it to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled that an assignment to write the Islamic Conversion Prayer did not violate the establishment clause of the first amendment. But the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case. Should the Supreme Court have reviewed the case, and was the assignment a direct denial of her christian faith? Here to discuss are Richard Thompson and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser. One of the religious liberty cases the Supreme Court Justices won’t be hearing this term is the issue of Maryland High School student Caleigh Wood, who refused to take part in a school assignment to write the Islamic conversion prayer that states “… there is no god but Allah,” because she believed it directly contradicted her Christian faith . The High Court denied a petition filed on behalf of the 11th grader, angering one conservative commentator who saw it as caving in to the indoctrination in schools and on college campuses. WHAT DOES SUCCESS OF ‘JOKER’ MOVIE WITH DEMONIC ANTI-HERO SAY ABOUT US? “This is not just a violation of the First Amendment but an ongoing, albeit subtle, diffusion of Islam in our Western […]
