Supreme Court of the United States (STOCK PHOTO) Friday, Chief Justice John Roberts angered conservatives when he ruled with the four liberal justices that the state of Nevada does have the power to limit Church attendees to just 50 in a 5 to 4 decision that was a serious blow to religious liberty advocates and signals that the Court’s majority will side with public health authorities on rules designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus. “SCOTUS has ruled, 5-4, that churches in Nevada are limited to 50 people-Covid you know- but casinos, adult entertainment venues and movie theaters may host up to 500 people at a time,” said Alabama Republican Party Chairman Terry Lathan. “John Roberts, again, sided with the liberals. So Roulette wins out over Religion. Justice Gorsuch’s dissent below is spot on! The 2020 Elections is the fire wall to saving America. Our freedoms of our Constitution are fading away like the parchment paper itself. We can save it. The world needs us to. The world needs us to.” Lathan said, “How do the Justices “misread” or not apply these words directly from the Constitution “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or […]
