I read with interest the July 17 letter to the editor " Government can’t force birth control ," about businesses denying birth control in their employees’ health insurance due to the employer’s religious beliefs. The letter contended that doing so “eliminates one more instance of unnecessary coercion in our society,” and “we should not be forcing our values on people who disagree with us.” But this is exactly what the employer is doing by forcing his or her religious values on the employees. To suggest they should have the ability to do so because of First Amendment religious freedom is ludicrous. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” No one is stopping the employers from exercising their religion. But to force those beliefs on another person is not protected. It is also denying health care for women who use birth control pills for issues other than contraception. And exactly what other "voluntary options" is the letter referring to? The letter’s assertion is ridiculous. MY VIEW | PHIL HANDS MY VIEW | PHIL HANDS MY VIEW | PHIL HANDS MY VIEW | PHIL […]
