Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota. Scott Olson / Getty Images MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, August 14, 2020 ( Thomas More Society ) — The Thomas More Society filed a federal lawsuit against Minnesota Governor Tim Walz yesterday for his Executive Orders requiring face masks at religious worship services. The United States District Court complaint is on behalf of three Christian churches, their leaders and church-goers who are charging that Walz, his Attorney General, and several county attorneys are violating their religious liberties by limiting capacity, requiring 6’ social distancing and requiring face masks. . “Governor Walz, a former teacher, gets a F in religious liberties,” declared Thomas More Society Special Counsel Erick Kaardal. “Other states, including Texas, Illinois, and Ohio have excluded churches from COVID-19 mask mandates. Unlike Walz, those states have recognized that you cannot criminalize religious attendance at houses of worship for any reason. Governor Walz wants to prosecute Minnesotans for religious attendance. We are going to do our best not to see that happen.” Kaardal also observed that other state leaders who have persisted in this type of religious discrimination have been slapped down by federal courts, as in the case of New York’s Governor Cuomo . “Minnesota’s […]
