A Kentucky woman is determined to refuse service to LGBT clients, and the latest Trump appointee on the D.C. Circuit just ruled in her favor. This time, we’re talking wedding photos instead of cakes. Wedding photographer Chelsey Nelson sued the city of Louisville over its anti-discrimination “Fairness Ordinance,” and the city moved to dismiss the case. Absolutely no one had even asked Nelson to photograph their same-sex wedding, but she went to court nonetheless. Furthermore, Nelson is seeking to have the ordinance invalidated against all businesses – not just against her own. And it appears that Nelson’s lawsuit afforded U.S. District Judge Justin Walker the perfect opportunity to bestow a parting gift to his liberal hometown as he heads to the D.C. Circuit. Louisville’s 1999 law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in housing, public accommodations, and employment. It also requires that companies serve LGBT customers, and prohibits advertising that a business will refuse to serve LGBT customers. Judge Walker’s ruling (denying the city’s motion to dismiss and granting a preliminary injunction to Nelson) was heavy on religious freedom and light on the value of anti-discrimination laws generally. Peppered throughout the opinion were multiple references to […]
