Comments (0) By U.S. Sen. James Inhofe R-Oklahoma Religious liberty is a foundational American value enshrined in our Constitution, but it is increasingly under attack by those who believe it cannot coexist with our other freedoms. This is a deeply misguided and dangerous view. Fortunately, the Supreme Court issued three separate rulings this year strongly affirming the right to religious freedom. First, in the case Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, the Court ruled that students can use a privately-run tax-credit scholarship program in Montana to attend religious educational institutions. This decision clarifies the First Amendment’s role in school choice and will protect families in Oklahoma from discrimination simply because they are choosing an education for their kids at a religious institution. Second, in Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania, the Court upheld the Trump administration’s exemption to the Obama-era contraceptive mandate, which mandated coverage of contraceptives that can cause abortions. This ruling showed that the government has the authority to issue such exemptions and that religiously-motivated entities should not be coerced to purchase medicines that go against their sincerely held beliefs. Third, in the cases Our Lady of Guadalupe vs. Morrissey-Berru and St. James Catholic School v. […]
