Trending America was founded on the principle that people should be able to worship free of government interference. As any elementary school student knows (or should), that freedom–more than any other–is what motivated people to come to this New World. It was at the very heart of our founding. Yet too many of our elected leaders seem to have forgotten this basic principle. And now, some are imposing even more stringent limitations on churches in the name of fighting COVID. Those limitations on our churches are simply unconstitutional, and one church is rightly fighting back. On Tuesday, one of the largest evangelical churches in Washington D.C., Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC), filed suit in federal district court challenging the city’s COVID-19 restrictions. Until the coronavirus pandemic and the District’s restrictions on worship, CHBC had met for in-person worship every single Sunday since February 27, 1878. CHBC does not have an online ministry, and has not conducted online services, because of its religious conviction that the Bible commands worshippers to meet together for worship. During the pandemic, the church has met in an open field in Virginia. View Cartoon Under the District’s Phase Two Order , outdoor church services are […]
