Agudath Israel, an umbrella organization representing haredi Orthodox Jews, is challenging New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s limitations on houses of worship in “red zones.” THE US Supreme Court ( JTA ) — After several challenges to pandemic-induced restrictions on houses of worship citing religious liberty, an Orthodox Jewish advocacy group is taking its case to the US Supreme Court in the hopes that the new conservative majority will rule in its favor. Agudath Israel, an umbrella organization representing haredi Orthodox Jews, is challenging New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s limitations on houses of worship in “red zones,” areas with especially high COVID test positivity rates. Agudath Israel claims that they were implemented in a way that discriminated on the basis of religion. It’s the latest in a string of suits brought by Agudath Israel or with its support to challenge pandemic-related restrictions to worship on the basis of religious discrimination. With Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, becoming the sixth conservative justice, the Orthodox plaintiffs may have a better chance at convincing the high court to rule in their favor, providing an injunction against Cuomo’s restrictions on houses of worship in red zones. Earlier this year, three Orthodox […]
