Separation of church and state has been a feature of American democracy for over two centuries. As Thomas Jefferson predicted, that separation has served both the state and organized religion well. The Church of England was the official religion of the colony of Virginia. As the British departed, the bureaucracy of the Church of England left with them. Virginia considered establishing a Church of Virginia in its place. Instead, Virginia continued collecting taxes that had supported the Church of England and applied that money to a free public education system so every Virginian could read, think and support a church according to their own conscience. That decision was a breath-taking departure from convention. Its widespread acceptance led to our Constitution including only two references to religion: 1) “… no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States…” and 2) “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” To this day, Western democracies the world over bear the imprint of that decision. As a new year and a new administration unfold, we should take this opportunity to renew our dedication to […]
