I don’t ascribe to any particular religious denomination or theology. However, I respect that others do. I believe that faith is a private matter of conscience and definitely not the business of the government. Some of the greatest injustices throughout history have resulted from government either fostering or condemning religion. Our founders recognized that when they made protecting religious freedom primary among the rights enumerated in the Constitution. The first sentence in the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” “Make no law” seems pretty clear, and the United States Supreme Court long ago said that applies to State government as well. Apparently the Democrat Governor of California, and the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (comprised almost entirely of Judges appointed by Democrat Presidents) are incapable of understanding the simple, clear language of that Amendment. Last Friday evening, the Supreme Court issued an injunction preventing California’s Governor from enforcing restrictions he arbitrarily imposed on religious gatherings in private homes under the pretext of the “COVID crisis”. The Supreme Court noted that, “This is the fifth time the Court has summarily rejected […]
