I should not have to care whether my religious beliefs conflict with the majority of those in any branch of our government. The Constitution — as enumerated in Article VI Section 3 and the First Amendment — is supposed to guarantee that government should not care that for the first time ever the number of Americans who belong to a church has fallen below a majority. Unfortunately, a lot of people do care. In fact, some are downright terrified at the decline in religion . And it just so happens, many people who are terrified are also in government. According to the most recent Attorney General , William Barr, this country was founded on the premise (expressed by John Adamas that one time ) that our government “was only suitable and sustainable for a religious people.” An attorney general saying this country is only intended and suitable for religious people is deeply disturbing for a couple of reasons. First, one John Adams quote notwithstanding, the Constitution’s plain language that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States” directly contradicts it. It takes a massive, unsubstantiated leap to […]
