BOSTON, May 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On behalf of New Life South Coast in New Bedford, Massachusetts, First Liberty Institute, the Massachusetts Family Institute, and the global law firm Jones Day, today filed a lawsuit against Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, New Bedford Mayor Jonathan Mitchell, and several other officials seeking to block commonwealth-wide COVID standards that single out churches for disfavored treatment. The church filed the complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. You can read the complaint here . “A year into the pandemic and after several Supreme Court decisions, the Governor and New Bedford officials continue to act like only secular businesses are essential. It’s past time for state and local officials to stop treating houses of worship unequally,” said Andrew Beckwith, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute. “The Governor’s and Mayor’s policies seem more calibrated to contain the free exercise of religion than the spread of COVID-19,” said Jordan Pratt, Senior Counsel at First Liberty. “The state and city single out places of worship for differential and disfavored treatment. The Supreme Court has spoken loud and clear at least 7 times that churches are essential and must be treated fairly,” […]
