Photo by Joel Muniz via Unsplash Landmark Religious Freedom Case in Maine Reaches Supreme Court By Movieguide® Staff The U.S. Supreme Court recently agreed to hear arguments against a Maine law that bars parents from using state student-aid programs if their children attend faith-based schools. Carson v. Makin will take place on Dec. 8; the nonprofit religious freedom law firms Institute for Justice (IJ) and First Liberty Institute represent the parents pushing back against the state law. The attorneys who represent the families claim that the law is unconstitutional. “Maine families deserve the right to choose the education they believe will be best for their children, whether or not the school teaches religious values. We’re hopeful that the Supreme Court will make a decision that could open the door to better education for families not only in Maine but across the country,” plaintiff Amy Carson said . According to CBN News, in June 2020, the IJ won a similar case in Montana. IJ won the landmark Supreme Court victory in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, in which the high court held that states violate the First Amendment when they ban public funding of religious institutions like schools. The […]
