The Supreme Court on Wednesday heard a case that’s going to put the Catholic-heavy roster of justices under a spotlight the size of one of those that they used to roll in for the opening of a new used-car lot. At issue was Carson v. Makin, a case out of Maine, where there is a program to provide public money to families living in areas where there is no public school in order to enable them to send their children to private schools. However, the program specifically denies the money to parents who want to send their children to what Maine law describes as “sectarian schools.” From NBC News : But the money cannot be used to send children to sectarian schools, defined by the state as those that promote a particular faith or belief system and teach material "through the lens of this faith.” It was plain, if unsurprising, that several of the justices weren’t buying that argument, or the Maine regulations. "The problem is that our case law suggests that discriminating against all religions, as compared to secular or comparable secular, is just as discriminatory as to exclude the Catholic and the Jewish and include the Protestant," […]
