Houses of Worship Struggle to Rebuild Attendance; Michigan City Gets Ready for All-Muslim Government; New York Can Force Photographer to Take Pictures for Same-Sex Wedding; Archdiocese sues LAUSD, alleging it kept federal funds from Catholic schools; Maine Tuition Case Before SCOTUS; China Will Ban Foreigners From Offering Online Religious Services; Why China Declared War on Religion Houses of Worship Struggle to Rebuild Attendance ZEETZ JONES is licensed under CC BY 2.0 When Westminster United Methodist Church in Houston resumed in-person services late last year, after a seven-month halt due to COVID-19, there were Sundays when only three worshippers showed up . Since then, attendance has inched back up, but it’s still only about half the pre-pandemic turnout of 160 or 170. Polls by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows how dramatically church attendance fell during the worst of the pandemic last year, even as many say they are now returning to regular service attendance. Michigan City Gets Ready for All-Muslim Government In the 99 years since its incorporation, every mayor of Hamtramck has been Polish American. That ends January 2, in Hamtramck’s centenary year, when Amer Ghalib will be inaugurated, along with an entirely Muslim city […]
