serjopak/iStock image MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Coming up next on The World and Everything in It : another do-over for Sweetcakes by Melissa. Last week, an appeals court in Oregon ordered the state to reconsider damages awarded in a discrimination case. It all arose nine years ago when two women sued for emotional damages after Christian bakers declined to bake a cake for their same-sex wedding. MARY REICHARD, HOST: The former owners of Sweetcakes by Melissa are in for a new round of litigation after being forced to close down their business in 2015. Joining us once again to fill us in on what’s happening here is Steve West. He’s an attorney and writes about religious liberty issues for WORLD Digital. Good morning to you, Steve! STEVE WEST, REPORTER: Good morning, Mary. REICHARD: Well, first of all, Steve, just give us a refresher here. Remind us where this case began. WEST: This is one of those cases that reminds us that some litigation seems to never end. It all began nearly a decade ago. Two women, Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, sued the Kleins in 2013 after a 2012 cake-tasting at which Aaron Klein informed Rachel that he could not bake […]
