Robert Lee Tradition has several definitions, one of which comes from : "A long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting." Such a tradition has been in place from the beginning of our country when it comes to the separation of church and state. There have been some strong dynamic tensions throughout the years, but the tradition has held. Some have believed the separation is in the U.S. Constitution, which it is not. The Constitution does clearly preclude the establishment of a state religion, but that is not the same. Some point to the founders and see evidence of Christianity as a basis for their decisions, and so conclude the United States is a "Christian nation." There’s no doubt that Christianity is the dominant religion in this country, but it is not the only religion, and a large portion of the citizenry has no religion at all. Still, some are now calling for the elimination of the division between church and state, and taking that a step further, declare that the U.S. is a "Christian nation," and the guiding religion should be Christian. Most recently we heard from Rep. Loren Boebert, R-Colorado, who stated, "The church is supposed […]
